Bulgarian demo

The protest was organized by Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria,
Autonomous group “Anarcho-Resistance” and sympathisants and supporters of
the cause under the slogan: “Freedom for Serbian Syndicalists!”

The action was organized in view of arrests of 5 innocent
Anarcho-syndicalists in Serbia (4 of September 2009), whose aid call
provoced since then many of actions and campaigns for defence of rights of
prisoners. Bulgarian Anarchists anf free citizens joined the world-wide

In spite of rain, the protest in front of Embassy of Republic of Serbia in
“Veliko Tirnovo” street, 3 started at 19.10.

About 35-40 people came to express their solidarity with arrested Serbian
friends and like-minded. About 20 policemen and gendarmes, some cars, jeeps
and a camion of Gendarmery  waited in front of Embassy. The police set up a
cordon before Embassy; helmets and shields were prepared on the side.

There were no movements from the side of Embassy, nobody get out.

There were 2 banners: “No to State terrorism!” and “Freedom for Serbian
Anarchists!”. People chanted appeals for solidarity and against State
terrorism. The position of participants was read: the text can be seen
lower. English translation of the text was put in the letterbox of the

The demonstration finished normally shortly before 20.00. It`s good that we
identified an orderly insolent from Ministry of Interior with camera, which
filmed as Shiva: with camera in one hand and with photo-camera in the other.


On 04.09.2009, five young activists of ASI, Tadej Kurepa, Ivan Vulovic,
Sanja Doikic, Ratibor Trivunac and Nikola Mitrovic were arrested by Serbian
authorities under absurd charge of “international terrorism” which is
equivalent with genocide, according to Serbian laws. The charge was brought
in action on the ground of suspicion only that the arrested were eventually
involved in recent action during which two “Molotov cocktails” were thrown
in the building of Greek Embassy in Beograd by some unknown persons. Our
comrades deny their participation categorically. The State persecutor
determined 30 day of arrest and they can become from 3 to 15 years in
prison, in the case if the judges will find them guilty.

The absolutelly unprovoced arrests and the declared charges against 5
innocent people are an act of open State`s attack aganist the
Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative. It is not surprisingly for everybody who
know the situation that exactly these ASI members were attacked with the

Their only fault was that they were allways among activists, appaired more
often openly in the public space without “mask” in the direct and indirect
sense. The ASI gained confidence of workers through it organized activity
for defense of workers (which remain without it as usual neglected and
without use of fruits of their work). It gave support to workers – support
which they never obtained from Serbian political clique. Striving for
overcome the threat coming from every autonomous organized trade union
movement in the time of fully political bankrupt, this clique seeks
salvation in the methods alienated even for their Western patrons. Trying
desperately to supress the voices of resistance, it utilizes every
possibility  for create provocation and now it transgress the bounds
throwning our comrades in prison under paradoxal and poorly disguised charge
of “international terrorism”.

The arrests of syndical activists and of their supporters show virtually the
true face of modern Serbia,where protection of exploitation and enslavement
continues under cover of neoliberalism. This act is a step to establishment
of a more hard model of repressive government which can not be shaked by
“closed” mouths of  people to which the disguisting image in mirror is

Arrest people for their political orientation is a crime from the side of
State! We must wait arrest as Anarchists writing this declaration now?!

Just punishment of State crimes! Freedom for all political prisoners! !

The Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria and the Autonomous group
“Ansrcho-resistance” express their solidarity, fully support and aid for
arrested comrades and join the calls for their inmediate release and
discharge from all absurd charges!


Sofia, 18.09.2009?.



Ми пишемо, вимагаючи негайного звільнення Тадея Курепа, Івана Вуловіча, Сани Дойкич, Ратібора Трівунаца і Николи Мітровіча, заарештованих 4 вересня цього року в Белграді з абсурдних підстав. Твердження прокуратури, що звинувачує соціальних активістів у найтяжчому злочині – міжнародному тероризмі, явно притягнуті за вуха. Метою діяльності членів Міжнародної Асоціації Трудящих є профспілкова боротьба, а не кидання пляшок із запалювальною сумішшю. Ці активісти відзначилися, як учасники студентських виступів у Белграді, а не бойовики.  Члени Анархо-синдикалістської ініціативи одразу визнали, що не мають нічого спільного із угруповання „Чорний Ілля” і ведмежувалися від участі у акції. Ми вважаємо, що численні порушення норм права, взяття поліцією у заручники членів родин активістів вказують на замовний і політичний характер цієї справи.  Це все одно, що судити всіх сербських політиків, що тільки висловили свою незгоду із відокремленням Косово, як погромників, що вчинили підпал американської амбасади не обтяжуючи себе працею по збору доказів. Так це звучить абсурдно, але справа проти Белградської „п”ятірки” і є абсурдною у правовому сенсі.

Таким чином держава намагається відвернути уваги від змін у кримінальному кодексі, наростання авторитарних тенденцій у республіці та навісити активним і небайдужим молодим сербам ярлика карних злочинців.

Ми не сидітимемо склавши руки, коли люди, що ведуть боротьбу за соціальну справедливість, піддаються репресіям на грунті їх політичної активності. Ми вестимемо кампанію за негайне звільнення цих активістів і припинення державних репресій.

Учасники лівого й профспілкового руху України


Репортаж от протест пред Посолството на Сърбия в София – 18.09. 2009

Протест в организиран от Федерация на анархистите в България, Автономна група „Анархо съпротива”, симпатизанти и поддръжници на каузата, под наслов „Свода за сърбските синдикалисти!”

Събитието се проведе във връзка с арестите на петима невинни анархо-синдикалисти в Сърбия / състояли се на 04.09.2009г. /, чийто призив за помощ провокира от тогава до сега, множество акции и кампании в защита правата на задържаните. Българските анархисти и свободни граждани се присъединяват към световната солидарност.

Въпреки дъждовнто време в 19:10 започна протестта пред посолството на Република Сърбия в България на”ул. “Велико Търново” N 3

Дойдоха около 35-40 човека, за да изразят своята солидарност с арестуваните сръбски приятели и съидейници. Пред посолството очаквано имаше около 20тина полицаи и жандармерия, няколко коли, джипове и камион на Жандалмерията. Полицията направи кордон пред посолството, като отстрани бяха приготвени каски и щитове.

От страна на посолството не се забеляза движение и не излезе никой.

Бяха донесени два транспаранта – “Не на държавния терор” и “Свобода за сръбските анархисти”. Бяха скандирани призиви за солидарност и против терора на държавата. Прочетена беше позицията на участниците, чийто текст може да видите по-долу. Текста в превод на английски беше пуснат в пощенската кутия на посолството.

Демото приключи нормално малко преди 20 часа. Добре е да отбележим дежурния наглец от МВР с камера, който снимаше като Шива – в едната ръка с камера, в другата с фотоапарат.


На 04.09.2009 г., петима млади дейци на АСИ Тадей Курепа, Иван Вулович, Саня Дойкич, Ратибор Тривунац и Никола Митрович, бяха арестувани от сръбските власти по нелепото обвинение в “международен тероризъм”, което
според сръбските закони е равносилно на “геноцид”.
Обвинението е повдигнато само по подозрение, което се състои в това, че задържаните евентуално са били замесени в скорошна акция, при която от неизвестно лице, са били хвърлени два коктейла “Молотов” срещу сградата на гръцкото посолство в Белград, което нашите другари категорично отричат. Държавният прокурор определи 30 дни арест за тях, а в случай, че съдът ги
признае за виновни за действието, ги очакват от 3 до 15 години затвор.

Абсолютно непровокираните арести и нагласените обвинения срещу петимата невинни представляват акт на открит държавен натиск срещу Анархо–Синдикална Инициатива. За всеки малко запознат със ситуацията не е
учудващо, че именно тези членове на АСИ са атакуваните от обвинението.

Единствената причина е, че те винаги са били сред активистите, най-често появяващи се открито в публичното пространство без “маски”, в пряк и преносен смисъл. Чрез организираната им дейност в защита на работниците,
които без тях, както винаги, остават пренебрегнати и не ползват плодовете на своя труд, АСИ спечели доверието на тези работници и им даде подкрепата, която те никога не са получавали от сръбската политическа клика. В желанието си да премахне заплахата, която всяко автономно организирано синдикално движение представлява във време на пълен политически банкрут, тази клика търси спасение в методи, отхвърляни даже
от нейните западни покровители. С отчаяното си тиранично усилие да заглуши гласовете на съпротивата, тя използва всяка възможност да скалъпи провокация и сега минава границата, хвърляйки нашите другари в затвора с
парадоксалното “съшито с бели конци” обвинение в “международен тероризъм”.

Арестите над синдикалните активисти и над тези, които ги подкрепят, очевидно представляват истинското лице на съвременна Сърбия, щом дори върху пепелта на неолиберализма продължават да се покровителстват
експлоатацията и поробването. Този акт е една стъпка към установяването на по-твърд модел на репресивно управление, което няма да се поколебае да “запуши” устите на тези, които показват отвратителния му образ в

Да се арестуват хора заради политическата им ориентация е престъпление от страна на Държавата! Сега, когато пишем това изявление, трябва ли да очакваме да бъдем арестувани, защото сме анархисти?!

Справедливо наказание за престъпната Държава! Свобода за всички политически затворници!

Федерация на анархистите в България и автономна група “Анархо – съпротива” изразяват своята солидарност със задържаните другари, своята пълна подкрепа и помощ, като се присъединяват към призивите за тяхното незабавно освобождение и сваляне на всички абсурдни обвинения от тях!


София, 18.09.2009г.

Повече информация по случая можете да получите и на адрес http://a-bg.net/new/


Protest in Sofia

A protest in solidarity with the Serbian anarchosyndicalists was held on Friday, Sept. 18 in Sofia. It was organized by the Bulgarian Anarchist Federation, Anarcho-Resistance and other supporters with the slogan “Free the Serbian Syndicalists!”

About 35-40 people attended the protest. There were police vans there.

The embassy wasn’t open at the time of the protest.

There were banners which read “No to the Terrorist State” and “Freedom for the Serbian Anarchists”.


On 04.09.2009, the, five young activists from  ASI –  Tadej Kurep, Ivan Vulovic, Sanya Dojkic, Ratibor Trivunac and Nikola Mitrovic, were arrested by Serbian authorities on the ridiculous charges of “international terrorism”, which according to Serbian law is tantamount to “genocide.”

The accusation is raised only on suspicion that the detainees may have been involved in a recent action, where an unknown person threw two cocktails Molotov in front of the Greek embassy in Belgrade. Our comrades  categorically involvement,  The state prosecutor gave them 30 days detention, If the court finds them guilty of the action , they face from 3 to 15 years in prison.

Totally unprovoked arrests and trumped-up charges against the five innocent people is an act of open government repression against the Anarchist Trade Union Initiative. For everyone who is a  little familiar with the situation, it is not surprising that these particular members of the ASI were attacked by the prosecution.

The only reason is that they have always been among the activists, which have appeared most frequently and  highly visibly in public without any “masks”  – in the direct and metaphorical sense. Through organized activity to protect workers
that without them, typically remain neglected, ASI won the confidence of these workers and gives them the support they never received from the Serbian politcal cliques. Desiring to eliminate the threat that any autonomous trade union movement may create  in a time of full political bankruptcy, this clique seeks salvation in the methods rejected even  by its Western patrons. In a desperate, tyrranical effort to silence  voices of resistance, it uses every opportunity to create provocations, and now have crossed the boundary,  throwing our comrades in prison  and  accusing them
of “international terrorism”.

Arrests of trade union activists and above those who support them, are clearly the true face of modern Serbia, since even on the ashes of neoliberalism it continues to protect exploitation and enslavement. This act is a step towards establishing a more robust model of a repressive government which does not hesitate to shut the mouths of those who are against it.

To arrest people because of their political orientation is a crime by the state! Now, when we write this statement, should  we expect to be arrested, because we are anarchists?

Just punishment for a criminal government!  Freedom for all political prisoners!

The Bulgarian Anarchist Federation and the autonomous group “Anarcho – Resistance,” express their solidarity with the detained comrades, their full support and assistance and have joined the calls for their immediate release and withdrawing these ridiculous charges!

Freedom for all detainees!

Sofia, 18.09.2009g.

One Response to “Protest in Sofia”

  1. admin Says:
    September 19th, 2009 at 01:34 Admin here. Sorry, but the translation of the statement is not 100% exact. There were a couple of rather creative or idiomatic phrases there that I couldn’t get exactly so I left out or made simplet. I get the sense of it all though. If somebody wants to edit it, please do.

Solidarity Protest in Kiev

On Sept.15, about 20 acivists with black and red flas picketed the Serbian Embassy in the Ukraine.

The activists protested against the arrest of five libertarian acivists. They blamd the government of Serbia and police for attempting to repress social activists. Even the police who were guarding the embassy expressed their disbelief at the disproportion between the “crime” and the proposed charges.
“15 years for smashing a window – that’s absurd, especially if there is no proof that those arrested had anything to do with it,” said one of the speakers.
They were not able to submit a protest letter to the embassy. The clerk refused to take the letter and ran away. The demonstrators thus left their text with the guards.
The protestors wrote*:(*Incomplete translation)

We are writing to demand the immediate release of Tadej Kurep, Ivan Vulovic, Sanja Dojkic, Ratibor Trivunac and Nicola Mitrovic, arrested September 4 this year in Belgrade on absurd grounds. The claims of the prosecution, which accuse the social activists of the most serious of crimes, international terrorism, are obviously far-fetched. The aim of the members of the International Workers’ Association is union struggle, and not throwing flammable bottles. These activists distinguished themselves as members of student protest in Belgrade, not as warriors. The members of the Anarcho-Sindikalist Initiative immediately declared that they have nothing in common with the group “Black Elijah” and had nothing to do with the action. We believe that violations of law, taking the police taking family members of activists hostage point to the political nature of this case.

Thus the state is trying to divert attention from the changes in the penal code, rise of authoritarian tendencies in the country and to label all those who are active and not indifferent criminals.

We will not sit idly by when people are fighting for social justice, are oppressed on the basis of their political activity. We will conduct a campaign for the immediate release of these activists and an end to state repression.

Participants of the left and the trade union movement in Ukraine


5 Responses to “Solidarity Protest in Kiev”

  1. admin Says:
    September 16th, 2009 at 07:22 Hello from the Admin side. I tried to translate the text of the Ukrainian protesters. I hope the translation is OK. However, I cut out two sentences: Це все одно, що судити всіх сербських політиків, що тільки висловили свою незгоду із відокремленням Косово, як погромників, що вчинили підпал американської амбасади не обтяжуючи себе працею по збору доказів. Так це звучить абсурдно, але справа проти Белградської „п”ятірки” і є абсурдною у правовому сенсі.

    The second sentences I can translate, but did not because it related to the first. It says: Yes, it sounds absurd, but the case against the Belgrade 5 is absurd in the legal sense.

    The first sentence, if I understand correctly, says something like “it’s like calling all Serbian politicians who were against Kosovan indepedence pogromists”… and then something about attacking the American Embassy and collecting evidence about it. Honestly, I can’t understand the sense because I don’t understand Ukrainian 100% and I cannot guess the logical connection. I will try to get somebody to fill it in later, but I thought the statement was OK enough (or even better:-) without that, so I put up the slightly shorter version.

    The full text, in the original, is in the Ukrainian language section.

  2. admin Says:
    September 16th, 2009 at 09:03 Other admin here. I also don’t understand Ukrainian 100%, but I would say that it means something like that:

    “The serbian polititians supposedly only ‘expressed their anger at the independence of Kosovo’, when they burned the American embassy and no one bothered to collect evidence. Maybe instead they can be judged as pogromists. In this context, the case against the Belgrad “five” is legally absurd.”

    Of course it would be better if a Ukrainian person commented :)

  3. admin Says:
    September 16th, 2009 at 09:11 Admin 1 back: I’m not sure but let our Ukrainian comrades say rather than keep speculating. :-)
  4. admin Says:
    September 16th, 2009 at 13:53 I received this translation into Russian:

    Это все равно, что судить всех сербских политиков, которые выразили свое несогласие по поводу отделения Косово, как погромщиков, которые подожгли американское посольство, не утруждая себя сбором доказательств. Да, это звучит абсурдно, но дело против Белградской “пятерки” и есть абсурдным в юридическом смысле.

    So that would mean:

    “It would be like judging all Serbian polititians who were against the independence of Kosovo to be guilty of setting fire to the US embassy, without bothering to get any proof. It sounds absurd, but it is just as absurd as the case against the Belgrade 5 is absurd in a legal sense.”

  5. Free the Belgrade anarchists! » Blog Archive » Ukrajina: Prosvjed solidarnosti u Kijevu Says:
    September 18th, 2009 at 00:39 […] Izvor: http://asi.zsp.net.pl/solidarity-protest-in-kiev/ […]

Призив за солидарност с шестимата арестувани в Сърбия

Призив за солидарност с шестимата арестувани в Сърбия.

На 03.09.2009 беше арестувана група от шестима анархисти, след решение на
разследващия съдия на Районния белградски съд. На следващия ден излезе
решение да бъдат задържани за 30 дни. В обвинението твърди, че заподозрените
на 25 август, около три часа сутринта, първоначална надраскали графити на
фасадата, а после хвърлили два коктейла "молотов" срещу сградата на гръцкото
посолство на ул. "Франчушка" в Белград.
В желанието да се разправи брутални с критикуващите я, държавата действа,
чрез механизмите си за директна репресия, с една банална логика. Тези, които
открито изразяват либертарните си виждания са набелязани като единствените
заподозрени. Случаят приклчва с затваряне и така се дава фалшив знак към
обществото относно ефективността на държавната власт.

Полицията и следствието действа доста необичайно в този случай, арестуваните
са заподозряни в извършването на международно терористично действие.
Действието, според наказателния кодекс в Сърбия, е в същата група като
геноцид, престъпления срещу човечеството, военни престъпления срещу цивилно
население, организиране и подтикване на извъшрването на геноцид и военни
престъпления, водене на агресивна война и т.н. Поради правната тежест на
такова обвинение, разходите по процеса вече надвишават 10 000 евро.

По тази причина, се създаде банкове сметка, която да спомогне на
арестуваните анархисти. Даните са накрая на този текст. В допълнение към
това има телефонен номер и имейл адрес, на които можете да намерите още
информация относно състояните на арестуваните и какво се прави със събраните

Надяваме се, че обичащи свободата индивиди и организации ще се включат в
това хуманитарно събиране на средстване, така помагайки на арестуваните
анархисти да успеят да докажат тяхната невинност.


Ето инфото за даряване


Beneficiarz customer:

Deutsch ASI Appeal

Am 4.9.2009 wurde die Gruppe von 6 AnarchistInnen, die am 3. September
2009 verhaftet worden war, zu bis zu dreißig Tagen Haft verurteilt, damit folgte das Gericht der Entscheidung des Untersuchungsrichters. Das Urteil führt aus, dass die Verdächtigen “am 25. August 2009 gegen 3 Uhr früh erst ein Graffiti an die Fassade malten und dann zwei Molotow-Cocktails auf die griechische Botschaft in der Francuska-Straße in Belgrad warfen.”

Der Staat möchte mit seinen schärsten KritikerInnen brutal umgehen und reagiert deshalb mit Repression, eine völlig banale Logik. Diejenigen, die ihren libertären Überzeugungen Ausdruck verleihen, werden als die einzigen Verdächtigen behandelt. Der Fall endet mit ihrer Inhaftierung und vermittelt der Öffentlichkeit ein falsches Bild über den Zweck des Staates.

Wegen der ungewöhnlichen Herangehensweise von Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft an diesen Fall werden die Inhaftierten verdächtigt, das Verbrechen des internationalen Terrorismus begangen zu haben. Dieses Verbrechen wird im Strafrecht der Republik Serbien im selben Kapitel angeführt wie Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen, Verbrechen gegen die Zivilbevölkerung, Organisierung und Aufruf zu Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen, Entfesselung eines Angriffskrieges etc. Wegen der Schwere dieser Verbrechen belaufen sich die Kosten für die anwaltliche Vertretung in diesem Prozeß bisher auf über 10.000 Euro.

Deshalb wurde ein Konto eröffnet, um den verhafteten AnarchistInnen zu helfen, die Kontonummer steht weiter unten. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine Telefonnummer und e-mail, bei denen zusätzliche Informationen über den Zustand der Verhafteten ebenso erhältlich sind wie über den Stand der gesammelten Gelder.

Wir hoffen, dass freiheitsliebende Menschen und Organisationen sich an dieser humanitären Spendenaktion beteiligen werden und den verhafteten AnarchistInnen helfen, ihre Unschuld zu beweisen.

Freiheit für die AnarchosyndikalistInnen!

Wie kann gespendet werden?








Recurso de ASI

Recurso de ASI
17 de septiembre 2009

El 04.09.2009, tras la decisión del juez de instrucción del Tribunal de Distrito de Belgrado, un grupo de seis anarquistas  fueron detenid@s y condenad@s a medidas de detención de hasta treinta días. La acusación afirma que l@s sospechos@s, el pasado 25 de agosto, alrededor de las tres de la mañana, en un principio escribieron un graffiti en la fachada, y luego lanzaron dos cócteles Molotov contra el edificio de la Embajada griega en la calle Francia, en Belgrado .

L@s compañer@s  con su dura crítica, denuncian los actos brutales del Estado y sus mecanismos de represión, de lógica absolutamente banal. Los que han expresado de manera explícita sus creencias libertarias se asignan como los únicos sospechosos. El caso termina con su encarcelamiento y da una imagen falsa al público en general, por conveniencia del estado.

Debido a la inusual acción de la policía y la fiscalía en este caso, l@s detenid@s son sospechos@s de haber cometido un delito de terrorismo internacional. Ese acto, en el Código Penal de la República de Serbia, se trata de la misma manera que el delito de genocidio, crímenes de lesa humanidad, crímenes de guerra contra la población civil, la organización y el fomento para cometer genocidio y crímenes de guerra, el comportamiento agresivo en la guerra, etc. Debido a la importancia jurídica de dicha caracterización, los costos de la representación hasta el momento durante el proceso han sobrepasado los 10.000 euros.

Con este fin, se abrió la cuenta para ayudar a l@s anarquistas detenid@s, que aparece en la parte inferior de este escrito. Además, hay un número de teléfono y correo electrónico que usted puede obtener información adicional acerca de la situación de l@s detenid@s, así como el estado de los fondos recaudados.

Esperamos la libertad de l@s individuos y la solidaridad de las organizaciones, que participen en esta acción humanitaria para recaudar fondos y ayudar a l@s anarquistas detenid@s para gestionar y probar su inocencia.


Instrucciones para la donación de dinero:

Cuenta con la institución bancaria:



Beograd, RS

Cliente Beneficiario:





ASI: Συγκέντρωση χρημάτων για τη νομική στήριξη των συντρόφων από Σερβία

This is the Greek translation of the ASI appeal:

ASI: Συγκέντρωση χρημάτων για τη νομική στήριξη των συντρόφων από Σερβία

Αυτό είναι μια ανακοίνωση της ASI που έγινε στις 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009, μεταφρασμένη με απόδωση από τα αγγλικά.

Στις 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 η απόφαση των δικαστηρίων του Βελιγραδίου ήταν η ομάδα των έξι αναρχικών που συνελλήφθησαν στις 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 να παραμείνει υπό κράτηση για τριάντα ημέρες. Οι κατηγορίες είναι οτι στις 25 Αυγούστου στις 3 τα ξημερώματα έγραψαν γκράφιτι στο τοίχο και μετά «πέταξαν δυο μολότοφ” στο κτίριο της Ελληνικής πρεσβείας στην οδό Φρανκούσκα (Francuska) στη πρωτεύουσα της Σερβίας.

Θέλωντας με τη βία να σωπάσει τους πιο σκληρούς επικριτές του, το κράτος μέσα από τους μηχανισμούς καταστολής του λειτουργεί με τη πιο χυδαία λογική. Αυτοί που έχουν επισήμως κάνει γνωστά τα ελευθεριακά τους πιστεύω κατηγορούνται ως οι μόνοι ύποπτοι. Η υπόθεση τελειώνει με τη φυλάκισή τους και αυτό δίνει μια ψευδαίσθηση στους πολίτες οτι το «το κράτος δουλεύει».

Λόγω της ασυνήθιστης συμπεριφοράς της αστυνομίας και του κατηγορητηρίου σε αυτή τη περίπτωση, τους συλληφθέντες τους έκαναν να φαίνονται σαν ύποπτοι «διεθνούς τρομοκρατίας». Μια τέτοια κατηγορία, σύμφωνα με το Ποινικό Κώδικα της Δημοκρατίας της Σερβίας, είναι στην ίδια ομάδα εγκλημάτων με τη γενοκτονία, τα εγκλήματα κατά της ανθρωπότητας, τα εγκλήματα πολέμου εναντίων άοπλων πολιτών, και την διοργάνωση γενοκτονιών και εγκλημάτων πολέμου, ή την διεξαγωγή επιθετικού πολέμου, κλπ.

Λόγω του βαριού κατηγορητηρίου και της περίπλοκης νομικής κατάστασης, τα νομικά έξοδα για την υποστήριξη των συντρόφων έχουν ήδη ξεπεράσει τα δέκα χιλιάδες Ευρώ. (€ 10.000)

Για αυτό το λόγο, ανοίξαμε ένα τραπεζικό λογαριασμό ώστε να βοηθήσουμε τους συλληφθέντες αναρχικούς, του οποίου το νούμερο θα το δείτε στο τέλος της ανακοίνωσης αυτής. Επίσης, σας δίνουμε ένα αριθμό τηλεφώνου και μια διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου (e-mail) ώστε να μπορέσετε να έρθετε σε επικοινωνία για να μαθαίνετε περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη κατάσταση των σηλληφθέντων αλλά και για το πως πάει η συλλογή χρημάτων για τη νομική βοήθεια.

Ευελπιστούμε πως όλοι οι άνθρωποι και οργανώσεις που αγαπούν την ελευθερία θα βοηθήσουν με αυτή την ανθρωπιστική προσπάθεια συλλογής χρημάτων, και θα βοηθήσουν έτσι τους συλληφθέντες αναρχικούς να αποδείξουν την αθωότητά τους


Οδηγίες για δωρέα χρημάτων:

Τραπεζικός λογαριασμός:

Κωδικός τράπεζας SWIFT: RZBSRSBG


Διεύθυνση: Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 64

Πόλη: BEOGRAD, RS (Βελιγράδι, Σερβία)

Όνομα δικαιούχου πελάτη: Beneficiarz customer:

Αριθμός λογαριασμού IBAN: RS35265050000016043150




Appeal from ASI

On 04.09.2009, following the decision of the investigating judge of the District Court in Belgrade, the groups of six anarchists who were arrested 3rd of September 2009 were sentenced to detention measures up to thirty days. year. The charge states that the suspects, on 25th of August, about three o’clock in the morning, initially wrote the graffiti on the facade, and then threw two “molotov cocktails at the building of the Greek Embassy in “Francuska” street in Belgrade.

Wanting to brutally deal with it’s hardest critics, the state acts, through it’s mechanisms of repression, with utterly banal logic. Those who have explicitly expressed their libertarian beliefs are mapped as the only suspects. The case ends with their imprisonment and gives a false picture to the general public about state’s expediency.

Due to the unusual course of action of the police and prosecution in this case, the arrested are suspected of having committed a crime of international terrorism. That act, in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia, is treated in the same group with the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes against the civilian population, organizing and encouraging to commit genocide and war crimes, the conduct of aggressive war, etc. Due to the legal weight of such characterization, the costs of the representation so far during the process have exceeded 10,000 euros.

For this purpose, the account was opened to help the arrested anarchists, which is listed at the bottom of this page. In addition, there is a phone number and e-mail that you can get additional information about the state of the arrested as well as the condition of the collected funds.

We hope that the freedom-loving individuals and organizations will get involved in this humanitarian fundraising action, and help the arrested anarchists to manage to prove their innocence.


Instructions for the donation of money:

Account with institution:




Beneficiarz customer:





Αλληλεγγύη στους Σέρβους Αναρχικούς ΠΑ.ΜΑΚ.


Κίνηση αλληλεγγύης στους Σέρβους Αναρχικούς από την Αυτόνομη Παρέμβαση του ΠαΜακ




Στις 25 Αυγούστου μια ομάδα 5 ατόμων επιτέθηκε με μολότωφ εναντίον της ελληνικής πρεσβείας στο Βελιγράδι, χωρίς να προκληθούν ιδιαίτερες ζημιές. Την ευθύνη ανέλαβε μία οργάνωση ονόματι Μαύρος Ήλιος, η οποία, σύμφωνα με την ανακοίνωση της, έκανε την επίθεση αυτή σαν ένδειξη αλληλεγγύης στον απεργό πείνας Θ. Ηλιόπουλο.
Με αφορμή αυτό το γεγονός η κυβέρνηση της σερβίας προφυλάκισε 5 αναρχικούς και διώκει άλλον έναν, κατηγορώντας τους για ΄΄διεθνή τρομοκρατία΄΄. Όλοι τους είναι μέλη της Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστικής Πρωτοβουλίας (ASI), μίας οργάνωσης που δε σχετίζεται με τέτοιες επιθέσεις, ενώ και οι ίδιοι οι συλληφθέντες έκαναν σαφές ότι δεν έχουν καμία σχέση με την επίθεση.
Ορατά γίνονται για άλλη μια φορά τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά του κράτους ασφάλειας που χτίζεται σε κάθε χώρα: αυξημένη καταστολή, επίθεση στα κομμάτια της κοινωνίας που αντιστέκονται (στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση σε αναρχικοσυνδικαλιστές) και επιβολή του δόγματος της τάξης και της ασφάλειας. Το κράτος προσπαθεί με κάθε μέσο να οξύνει την καταστολή σε ριζοσπαστικούς πολιτικά χώρους: ονομάζει ένα απλό χτύπημα με ελάχιστες υλικές ζημιές ΄΄διεθνή τρομοκρατία΄΄ και στη συνέχεια διώκει αναρχοσυνδικαλιστές χωρίς επιβαρυντικά στοιχεία. Σκοπός; Η αποθάρρυνση κάθε πολιτικής κριτικής ενάντια στους εξουσιαστικούς μηχανισμούς και η πάταξη του ΄΄εσωτερικού εχθρού΄΄. Δεν έχει σημασία αν θα ονομαστεί ΄΄αναρχικός΄΄, ΄΄μετανάστης΄΄ ή ΄΄ κουκουλοφόρος΄΄. Σημασία έχει η δημιουργία ενός στόχου, η δημιουργία μίας (περιθωριοποιημένης) κοινωνικής ομάδας που θα οδηγήσει την υπόλοιπη κοινωνία στη συντηριτικοποίηση και νομιμοφροσύνη. Στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση οι κρατικοί μηχανισμοί έδρασαν όπως συνηθίζουν: δύο μολότωφ και ένα αλφάδι αρκούνε για κατηγορηθούν 6 άσχετα με την επίθεση άτομα, αντιμετωπίζοντας κάθειρξη δεκαετιών. Το γεγονός ότι ανήκουν σε μία αναρχοσυνδικαλιστική ένωση είναι αρκετό για να παίξουν το ρόλο το ΄΄εσωτερικού εχθρού΄΄. Ένας ΄΄εσωτερικός εχθρός΄΄ που οι κρατικές δομές θα προσπαθήσουν με κάθε τρόπο να αποτρέψουν από το να κινηθεί επιθετικά προς την εξουσία. Μπροστά στους κατασταλτικούς μηχανισμούς του κράτους δεν υποχωρούμε, αλλά συνεχίζουμε να πορευόμαστε με όπλο μας την αλληλεγγύη.



Solidarity by the “Autonomous group of PAMAK” (University in Thessaloniki)


A banner is placed near the entrance of the University (photo) and a text is circulating:


On 25th of August a group of 5 persons attacked with molotov cocktails against the Greek embassy in Belgrade, without causing significant damage. The responsibility was claimed by an organization with the name Black Sun, which, according to its statement, made this attack in solidarity with the hunger striker Th. Iliopoulos.

For this reason, the government of Serbia detained 5 anarchists and persecutes another one, accusing them for “international terrorism”. All are members of Anarchosyndicalist Initiative (ASI), an organization that is not related with such attacks, while the arrested also made clear that they have no relation with the attack.

For one more time, the basic characteristics of the security state, that is being built in every country, become visible: increased repression, attack at the parts of the society that resist (in the particular case at anarchosyndicalists) and imposition of the doctrine of order and security. The state tries with every mean to accentuate the repression against politically radical groups: it names a simple attack with minimal material damage as “international terrorism” and afterwards it persecutes anarchosyndicalists without any clues. Purpose? The demoralisation of every political criticism against the dominating mechanisms and the cracking down of the “internal enemy”. It is not important if this is named “anarchist”, “immigrant” or “koukouloforos” [trans: the Greek state names like this the rioters that hide their face, it means hood-wearer]. The important purpose is the creation of an enemy, the creation of a (marginalized) social group that will lead the rest of the society to the conservativisation and loyalty. In the particular case the state mechanisms acted as they are used to act: two molotov cocktails and an alfadi [trans: alpha in a circle, Ⓐ] are enough to persecute 6 irrelevant with the attack individuals, that are facing imprisonment of decades.The fact that they are in an anarchosyndicalist union is enough in order for them to form the role of the “internal enemy”. An “internal enemy” that the state structures will try in any way to not let it from moving aggressively towards the power. In front of the repressive mechanisms of the state, we shall not stand back, but we keep walking with solidarity as our weapon.



Autonomous group of “University of Macedonia” (Thessaloniki)


(with some minor spelling changes)

Communique for the Serb anarchosyndicalists


At the Greek embassy in Belgrade takes place a symbolic attack with molotof and spray on the walls, by an unknown group.

The unknown organization “Black Sun” claims responsibility for the attack in solidarity with the prisoner hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoylos that was detained for the situation of December in the Greek prisons for a time of almost 9 months.

On 4th of September there are arrested five members of the organization “Serbian Anarchosyndicalist Initiative” (ASI) and one more is wanted with only clue their attendance in a peaceful protest outside the Greek embassy on 25 August.

The arrested, all with age under 30 years old, are imprisoned from then with the purpose for the Serbian “justice” to accuse them with the charge of “international terrorism”, accusation which attracts sentence of imprisonment from 3 to 15 years according to the Serbian laws.

Even according to the Serbian juridical reality the charges do not stand, as in another attack at the embassy of USA in the recent past the charge that was attributed was much milder.

According to common sense, even for those that consider the state monopoly for violence as sacred, there cannot be attributed the charge of terrorism for a slightly damaged glass, a trace of fire in the facade of the embassy and the writing of a symbol (alpha in circle), provided that there was not threatened nor is threatened the life and the body integrity of no one.

Compared to the terrorism of the states that abduct, torture, keep in hostage and condemn with fabricated clues persons or to the terrorism of the bosses that blackmail, destroy and murder workers, the attack at the embassy seems like a drop in the ocean. A drop, however, that contains an obvious message.

The defendants, via a statement of their organization, deny the charges declaring that they select other ways of action as the organizing of workers in libertarian [anarchosyndicalist] associations, the condemn via representations of protest and the sending of contra-information e-mails.

These belief-associated prosecutions remind us something. The prosecutions of anarchist comrades and social fighters, the prosecutions for revenge after the December that we lived here.

But there is something more. The internationalisation of solidarity, the break of the borders through the social struggles, the call for international unity of the oppressed accentuate the insecurity of each government clique in Greece, in Serbia, in the Balkans, everywhere. As we know, when a similar attack had happened at the Greek embassy few years ago for an athletic conflict, no one cared…

The people in solidarity with the Serbs that are persecuted denounce the misery of the Serbian state that – as and Greek one too- tries hard to offer space for its nationalists, to feed with even more blood and repression the famous “Greek-Serbian Friendship”.

We, on our view, are indeferent for the wolf-frienships [means in greek the fake friendship that is based on common profit] of the states. But we stand for the need of internationalist solidarity between the victims of these states. We denounce the effort of every state to eliminate the voices and actions of resistance, in their interior but also in the level of international solidarity.

We stand with the Serb comrades
and ask for their, immediate and without terms, release


Anarchists for social liberation


[independent translation, we are not part of the assembly of the group that signs the communique]

from http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1079545 (with minor changes)

poster of the same collective: https://asisolidarity.squat.gr/p/510

Προκήρυξη για τους Σέρβους αναρχοσυνδικαλιστές


Στην ελληνική πρεσβεία στο Βελιγράδι εκδηλώνεται συμβολική επίθεση με μολότωφ και γράψιμο με σπρέυ στους τοίχους από ομάδα αγνώστων.

Η άγνωστη οργάνωση “Μαύρος Ήλιος” αναλαμβάνει την ευθύνη της επίθεσης σε ένδειξη αλληλεγγύης στον κρατούμενο απεργό πείνας Θοδωρή Ηλιόπουλο που προφυλακίστηκε για τα γεγονότα του Δεκέμβρη στις ελληνικές φυλακές για το χρονικό διάστημα των 9 περίπου μηνών.

Στις 4 Σεπτέμβρη συλλαμβάνονται πέντε μέλη της οργάνωσης “Σερβική Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστική Πρωτοβουλία” (ASI) και αναζητείται άλλο ένα με μόνο στοιχείο τη συμμετοχή τους σε ειρηνική διαμαρτυρία έξω από την ελληνική πρεσβεία στις 25 Αυγούστου.

Οι συλληφθέντες, ηλικίας κάτω των 30 ετών όλοι τους, κρατούνται από τότε με σκοπό να τους προσάψει η Σερβική “δικαιοσύνη” την κατηγορία της “διεθνούς τρομοκρατίας”, κατηγορία η οποία επισύρει ποινή φυλάκισης από 3 ως 15 χρόνια σύμφωνα με τους σερβικούς νόμους.

Ακόμα και με τα σερβικά δικαστικά δεδομένα οι κατηγορίες δε στέκουν αφού σε ανάλογη επίθεση στην πρεσβεία των ΗΠΑ στο πρόσφατο παρελθόν η κατηγορία που αποδόθηκε ήταν πολύ πιό ήπια.

Σύμφωνα με την κοινή λογική, ακόμα και αυτών που θεωρούν ιερό το κρατικό μονοπώλιο στη βία, δεν μπορεί να αποδοθεί η κατηγορία της τρομοκρατίας για ένα ραγισμένο τζάμι, ένα ίχνος φωτιάς στην πρόσοψη της πρεσβείας και την αναγραφή ενός συμβόλου (άλφα σε κύκλο) εφόσον δεν απειλήθηκε ή απειλείται η ζωή και η σωματική ακεραιότητα κανενός.

Σε σχέση με την τρομοκρατία των κρατών που απαγάγουν, βασανίζουν, κρατούν σε ομηρία και καταδικάζουν με κατασκευασμένα στοιχεία ανθρώπους ή με την τρομοκρατία των αφεντικών που εκβιάζουν, σακατεύουν και δολοφονούν εργαζόμενους, η επίθεση στην πρεσβεία φαντάζει σταγόνα στον ωκεανό. Μια σταγόνα όμως που περιέχει σαφές μήνυμα.

Οι κατηγορούμενοι, με ανακοίνωση της οργάνωσής τους, αρνούνται τις κατηγορίες δηλώνοντας ότι επιλέγουν άλλους τρόπους δράσης όπως η οργάνωση των εργαζομένων σε ελευθεριακά σωματεία, η καταγγελία μέσω παραστάσεων διαμαρτυρίας και η αποστολή e-mails αντιπληροφόρησης.

Κάτι μας θυμίζουν αυτές οι φρονηματικές διώξεις. Τις διώξεις αναρχικών συντρόφων και κοινωνικών αγωνιστών, τις εκδικητικές διώξεις μετά το Δεκέμβρη που ζήσαμε κι εδώ.

Είναι όμως και κάτι ακόμα. Η διεθνοποίηση της αλληλεγγύης, το σπάσιμο των συνόρων μέσα από τους κοινωνικούς αγώνες, το κάλεσμα για διεθνή ενότητα των καταπιεσμένων οξύνει την ανασφάλεια της κάθε κρατικής κλίκας στην Ελλάδα, στην Σερβία, στα Βαλκάνια, παντού. Άλλωστε, όταν αντίστοιχη επίθεση είχε γίνει στην Ελληνική πρεσβεία πριν λίγα χρόνια για κάποια αθλητική κόντρα, κανείς δεν ασχολήθηκε…

Οι αλληλέγγυοι στους Σέρβους διωκόμενους καταγγέλλουν την αχρειότητα του σερβικού κράτους που -όπως και το ελληνικό- πασχίζει να προσφέρει εκδούλευση στους εθνικιστές του, να ταΐσει με ακόμα περισσότερο αίμα και καταστολή την περίφημη «Ελληνοσερβική Φιλία».

Εμείς με τη σειρά μας αδιαφορούμε για τις λυκοφιλίες των κρατών. Στεκόμαστε όμως στην ανάγκη της διεθνιστικής αλληλεγγύης ανάμεσα στα θύματα αυτών των κρατών. Καταγγέλλουμε την προσπάθεια κάθε κράτους να εξαλείψει τις φωνές και δράσεις αντίστασης, τόσο στο εσωτερικό του όσο και σε επίπεδο διεθνούς αλληλεγγύης.

Στο πλευρό των Σέρβων συντρόφων

ζητάμε την άμεση και χωρίς όρους αποφυλάκισή τους.


Αναρχικοί Για Την Κοινωνική Απελευθέρωση


Αφίσα: https://asisolidarity.squat.gr/p/506

Solidarity Protest in Zagreb



Zagreb: A protest of solidarity took place…

On Monday, the 14th of September of 2009., a protest of solidarity with the arrested Serbian anarchists took place. The protest was organised by the „Stop the repression!“ campaign initiated by The Network of Anarcho-Syndicalists (MASA).

The beginning of the protest took place at the Petar Preradovic Square with the gathering of approximately 30 people. Since the protest was reported to the police, quite a number of police officers were present. The protesters marched through the street of Ilica towards the British Square carrying the banner that said: „Stop the repression! Freedom for the Anarcho-Syndicalists!“ and those words were accompanied with the picture of the caged snow owl. The snow owl that is actually the logo of Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI), now caged, became the symbol of this campaign on the international level. While the protesters approached the British Square, some of them have been distributing leaflets to people passing by. All the leaflets were distributed even before we reached the British Square.On the British Square our official statement was read, it was the same statement as the one on the leaflets. After that, our unexpected visitors, a folk band of squatters from Belgium, played for us one of their songs.But, since they were not planned, the police didn’t allow them to perform more than just one song.

After the performance had been completed, three of our delegates, accompanied by two police officers, went by bus to the Serbian Embassy, where they put the protest letter and the leaflet into the letter-box.

The letter to the Serbian Embassy

Respected ambassador!

With this letter we protest against the arrest, harassment and the media lynch of five of our fellows and friends: Tadej Kurepa, Ivan Vulović, Sanja Đokić, Ratibor Trivunac and Nikola Mitrović. The majority of them are the members of The Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI), the Serbian section of The International Workingmen’s Association (IWA). They are accused for throwing two molotov cocktails on the Greek Embassy in Belgrade, on te 25th of August of 2009., and they are being charged for the criminal act of international terrorism. Although there are no evidence and no proof whatsoever that they commited that act , that did not prevent the media from writing about the accused as if they are proven to be guilty. This kind of behavior is deliberate and it has as its goal the ruination of ASI’s reputation and the criminalization of ASI’s syndical work. Except that, the state of Serbia would this way inaugurate a new praxis of punishing everybody who may present a threat to it, and who fight for a more just and more humane society, for a society that above all respects the human life, and not the needs of profit. The „Stop the repression!“ initiative strongly condemns this kind of behavior and demands the immediate release of the imprisoned anarchists.

If our demands won’t be respected, we shall continue with the pressure through the media and with further actions of solidarity, as well as our comrades throughout the world.

„Stop the repression!“ initiative

Solidarity actions with arrested Serbian anarchosyndicalists



On 14th September, Priama akcia – Bratislava members and supporters (around 10 people) visited the Embassy of Serbian Republic.

Serbian embassy protest

Our previous action at the Serbian embassy on 7th September was met with police harassment (more info here). This time we were a bit more successful and actually got inside the consulate premises (because the door was open at the moment). We delivered our protest letters and explained the reason for the protest to an employee of the consulate. However, we did not manage to meet with the ambassador, who was apparently once again out of his office. The employee claimed he can not guarantee that the consulate or embassy would inform authorities in Serbia as it is not (their) “standard procedure”. Interesting.


Letter from Serbian Intellectuals


A few days ago we wrote here about how a group of professors and intellectuals wrote a letter protesting the arrests of our comrades. Here is the English translation of the letter:

Announcement of the state prosecution institutions that they will press charges for an ”act of international terrorism” against six suspected of throwing two Molotov cocktails at the building of Greek Embassy in Belgrade made us write this letter and express our concern.

Without a desire to justify this kind of act in any way we consider it to be our duty to point out at what we believe to be political background of applying double standards that can have a devastating effect in further development of our society.

Not so long ago, during protest held on 21. February 2008 after proclamation of independence of Kosovo United States of America embassy building was burnt down in Belgrade. Embassy building was significantly damaged by fire while one of the attackers lost his life. The only participant of this attack that has been prosecuted is being charged for “heavy criminal act against public security”.

Contrary to this, state institutions have characterized the act of smashing a window on an empty building of Greek embassy with two burning bottles that didn’t cause fire as an act of international terrorism. In criminal law of Republic of Serbia that act is next to genocide, war crimes and leading an aggressive war.

We are afraid that such a different positioning of prosecution institutions regarding these two cases is motivated politically by some of the current authorities who are trying to improve their rating with nationalistically orientated voters.

This has an encouraging effect on strengthening chauvinistic and extreme right wing tendencies in our society just like those that have participated in burning down USA embassy in Belgrade without any significant legal consequences.

For this reason we are addressing the public as well as the state institutions hoping that by doing so we will contribute in making the law treat all members of our society equally and adequately concerning the seriousness of act that has been done.

Zaga Golubović

Želimir Žilnik

Todor Kuljić

Vladimir Ilić

Boris Dežulović

Sonja Drljević

Ljubomir Živkov

Vladimir Aresinjević

Protest in Warsaw, Sept. 11



On Sept. 11, a group of people from ZSP Warsaw, Anarchist Solidarity and some non-alligned supporters visited the Serbian Embassy in Warsaw to demand the release of comrades arrested in Belgrade.

On Sept. 7, some people also visited the Embassy and delivered a protest letter. Apparently the presence of even such a modest protest unnerved the Embassy people. When we arrived on the 11th, there was a police van and cops waiting.

Members of ZSP made some speeches and delivered a new statement to the Embassy, but, as the Embassy people were hiding, it only went into their mailbox. The activists harshly criticized the actions of the Serbian government, the way the comrades were arrested, police methods used, the detention of the comrades without charges, etc. etc. There was also a long diatribe against state terrorism and the hypocrisy of the government.

In rather absurd style, there was also a strange exchange with the police, who warned us against “cursing in public”, which is a punishable offence in this whacky country. The police however did not want to define which words constituted curses, but we did manage to establish that only curses in Polish are curses under Polish law.

The new embassy building is in the middle of nowhere, so there were almost no passersbys. However the picket could be heard for kilometers around due to the strange accustics in the location.

The text of our statement is publishd here:

Sydney protest in solidarity with arrested anarcho-syndicalists


On Sept. 11, members of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation protested in Sydney, Australia. A video of this protest can be viewed here in the following post.

Below we print their open letter.

Open letter to the Serbian Consulate, Australia

We demand the release by the Serbian government of Ratibor Trivunac, Tadej Kurepa, Ivan Vulović, Sanja Đokić and Nikola Mitrović, members of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI). We protest the unjust arrest and detainment of our comrades on trumped-up charges, which the ASI has vehemently denied.

This attack on the ASI, and by extension the International Workers Association (IWA), is an attack on organised labour everywhere. All dissenters should be concerned by the trend towards labelling all dissent terrorism. The latest escalation of oppression by the Serbian government comes after an ASI member was arrested for the trivial offence burning an American flag. Clearly there is an attempt to target the ASI.

This will not go unnoticed internationally. Even today, in coordination with this action comrades are also protesting at the Serbian consulate in Britain.

Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation Melbourne
