Παρέμβαση στην Κομοτηνή – Protest in Komotini

We stand with the Serb comrades. The states are the only terrorists. (A)
We stand with the Serb comrades. The states are the only terrorists. (A)

Παρέμβαση με πανό και κείμενο που μοιράστηκε και διαβάστηκε με ντουντούκα για τους Σέρβους αναρχοσυνδικαλιστές έγινε στην κεντρική Πλατεία Κομοτηνής σήμερα στις 10μιση το πρωί (19-09-2009).

Protest for the Serbian anachosyndicalists, with a banner (photo) and a leaflet that was handed to people and read loudly with a speaking trumpet, took place in the central square of Komotini (city in north Greece) today at 10:30 in the morning (19-09-2009).


Συνέντευξη του Θοδωρή Ηλιόπουλου

Ο Θοδωρής Ηλιόπουλος πρόσφατα έδωσε μια συνέντευξη στο http://www.tvxs.gr/v21143. Η συνέντευξη περιέχει μια αναφορά στους αναρχοσυνδικαλιστές από τη Σερβία όπου ο Θ.Ηλιόπουλος εκφράζει την υποστήριξή του.

αγγλική μετάφραση εδώ: https://asisolidarity.squat.gr/p/731

From the Occupied London blog

Occupied London is a blog http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/ that posts news in English about the situation in Greece after December. Here is something they wrote recently at http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/2009/09/14/87-the-last-prisoners-of-decembers-revolt-are-in-serbia-solidarity-with-the-arrested-anarchosyndicalists-in-belgrade/

Initial hesitation in posting the news of the arrests of our Belgrade comrades on this blog was only due to the fact that they themselves have refused any link to the action at the greek embassy and, given that this blog deals exclusively with the greek revolt, reposting the news here could create some unwanted connections. However, in exactly the same way that most of December’s prisoners were not “guilty” (not even by the state’s fake distinction of “innocent and “guilty”, “peaceful” and “violent”), so are the Belgrade anarchists. In this way, it is them who are now the last remaining prisoners of the greek revolt: Our solidarity need be as global as their repression…

PROTEST of the Association of Bookshop Employees (Συλλόγου Υπαλλήλων Βιβλίου-Χάρτου) about the arrest of the Serb syndicalists

The Association of Bookshop Employees in Attica, Greece (Σύλλογος Υπαλλήλων Βιβλίου – Χάρτου Αττικής) is collecting funds to support the Serb syndicalists

ASSOCIATION OF BOOKSHOP EMPLOYEES OF ATTICA, Lodou 6 Athens, TELEPHONE: 210-3820537, e-mail: sylyp_vivliou@yahoo.gr

ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΥΠΑΛΛΗΛΩΝ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΥ – ΧΑΡΤΟΥ ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ Λόντου 6 Αθήνα, ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ: 210-3820537, e-mail: sylyp_vivliou@yahoo.gr

PROTEST: On 3/9 the Serbian police raided houses and arrested youths, members of the Anarchosyndicalist Initiative (ASI), charging them with throwing two molotov (petrol) bombs at the Greek embassy in Belgrade (on 25/8). The arrestees were abused and after the public prosecutor’s order they were detained for 30 days. They are about to appear in court with charges of ‘international terrorism’. This means that, if they are officially charged, they will have to face imprisonment of 3 to 15 years.

The arrestees deny any relation to the action. An unknown anarchist group (‘Black Sun’) sent an announcement on the internet taking responsibility for the action at the Greek embassy. They described it as an action in solidarity with Thodoris Iliopoulos, who at the time was a hunger striker in Korydalos prison. Our Association supports the arrested syndicalists. We demand that fabrications against them cease. We call all trade unions in Greece to publish protest announcements and take initiatives about this case. We call all fellow colleagues to take part in actions that are going to take place demanding the release of the Serb fighters. It is not an act of fraternity with the Serbian people to support the nationalist and warmongering cliques in Serbia. An act of fraternity is to support those who struggle against unemployment, poverty, enterprise closures, privatizations, the non-payment of thousands of workers in factories that are fell in disrepair, corruption. Those who fight, and therefore face the repression of the Serb regime. ‘Send’ messages of protest at the embassy of Serbia in Athens (FAX: 210-7796436, e-mail: beograd@hol.gr). 17/9/2009

Our Association will respond positively to the APPEAL of the Anarchosyndicalist Initiative of Serbia for FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS towards the legal support of the 6 persecuted fighters. The serious charges and the complex legal situation have already skyrocketed the legal expenses above 10.000 Euro. We call any colleague who wants to contribute money to contact [by calling] 6970225917.



Lodou 6 Exarceia, telephone: 210-3820537

Λόντου 6 Εξάρχεια, τηλέφωνο: 210-3820537

e-mail: sylyp_vivliou@yahoo.gr

Greek original: http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1080915

ΔΙΑΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ του Συλλόγου Υπαλλήλων Βιβλίου-Χάρτου, για τη σύλληψη των σέρβων συνδικαλιστών

Ο Σύλλογος Υπαλλήλων Βιβλίου – Χάρτου Αττικής συγκεντρώνει χρήματα για τη στήριξη των σέρβων συνδικαλιστών

ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΥΠΑΛΛΗΛΩΝ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΥ – ΧΑΡΤΟΥ ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ Λόντου 6 Αθήνα, ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ: 210-3820537, email: sylyp_vivliou@yahoo.gr ………………………………………………………………………………………… ΔΙΑΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ Στις 3/9, η σέρβικη αστυνομία εισέβαλε σε σπίτια και συνέλαβε νεαρούς, μέλη της Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστικής Πρωτοβουλίας (ASI), με την κατηγορία της ρίψης δύο βομβών μολότοφ στην ελληνική πρεσβεία του Βελιγραδίου (στις 25/8).   Οι συλληφθέντες κακοποιήθηκαν και μετά από διαταγή του εισαγγελέα προφυλακίστηκαν για 30 μέρες. Παραπέμπονται σε δίκη με κατηγορίες για “διεθνή τρομοκρατία”. Αυτό σημαίνει, αν καταδικαστούν, αντιμετωπίζουν ποινές από 3 έως 15 χρόνια φυλάκισης.

Οι συλληφθέντες αρνούνται κάθε σχέση με το γεγονός. Εξάλλου, μια άγνωστη αναρχική ομάδα («Μαύρος Ήλιος») ανέλαβε με ανακοίνωσή της στο διαδίκτυο, την ευθύνη για την ενέργεια στην ελληνική πρεσβεία. Τη χαρακτήρισε, ως δράση συμπαράστασης στο Θοδωρή Ηλιόπουλο, που εκείνη την περίοδο έκανε απεργία πείνας στις φυλακές Κορυδαλλού.   Ο Σύλλογός μας συμπαραστέκεται στους συλληφθέντες συνδικαλιστές. Ζητάμε να σταματήσει η σκευωρία σε βάρος τους.   Καλούμε και όλα τα σωματεία στην Ελλάδα να εκδώσουν ψηφίσματα διαμαρτυρίας και να πάρουν πρωτοβουλίες γι’ αυτή την υπόθεση. Καλούμε όλους τους συναδέλφους να συμμετάσχουν στις δράσεις που θα γίνουν με αίτημα την αποφυλάκιση των σέρβων αγωνιστών.   Πράξη αδερφοσύνης με τον σέρβικο λαό δεν είναι το να στηρίζουμε τις εθνικιστικές και πολεμοκάπηλες κλίκες της Σερβίας. Πράξη αδερφοσύνης είναι να στηρίξουμε αυτούς που αγωνίζονται ενάντια στην ανεργία, τη φτώχεια, το κλείσιμο των επιχειρήσεων, τις ιδιωτικοποιήσεις, το να μένουν χιλιάδες εργάτες απλήρωτοι σε εργοστάσια που ρημάζουν, τη διαφθορά. Αυτούς που αγωνίζονται, και γι’ αυτό δέχονται και την καταστολή του σέρβικου καθεστώτος. «Στείλετε» μηνύματα διαμαρτυρίας την πρεσβεία της Σερβίας στην Αθήνα (FAX: 210-7796436, e-mail: beograd@hol.gr). 17/9/2009 Ο Σύλλογός μας θα ανταποκριθεί θετικά στην ΕΚΚΛΗΣΗ της Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστικής Πρωτοβουλίας Σερβίας για ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΕΝΙΣΧΥΣΗ της νομικής υποστήριξης των 6 διωκόμενων αγωνιστών. Το βαρύ κατηγορητήριο και η περίπλοκη νομική κατάσταση έχουν ήδη εκτοξεύσει τα νομικά έξοδα σε πάνω από 10.000 ευρώ. Καλούμε όποιο συνάδελφο θέλει να συνεισφέρει χρήματα να επικοινωνήσει στο 6970225917


Λόντου 6 Εξάρχεια, τηλέφωνο: 210-3820537

e-mail: sylyp_vivliou@yahoo.gr


Bulgarian demo

The protest was organized by Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria,
Autonomous group “Anarcho-Resistance” and sympathisants and supporters of
the cause under the slogan: “Freedom for Serbian Syndicalists!”

The action was organized in view of arrests of 5 innocent
Anarcho-syndicalists in Serbia (4 of September 2009), whose aid call
provoced since then many of actions and campaigns for defence of rights of
prisoners. Bulgarian Anarchists anf free citizens joined the world-wide

In spite of rain, the protest in front of Embassy of Republic of Serbia in
“Veliko Tirnovo” street, 3 started at 19.10.

About 35-40 people came to express their solidarity with arrested Serbian
friends and like-minded. About 20 policemen and gendarmes, some cars, jeeps
and a camion of Gendarmery  waited in front of Embassy. The police set up a
cordon before Embassy; helmets and shields were prepared on the side.

There were no movements from the side of Embassy, nobody get out.

There were 2 banners: “No to State terrorism!” and “Freedom for Serbian
Anarchists!”. People chanted appeals for solidarity and against State
terrorism. The position of participants was read: the text can be seen
lower. English translation of the text was put in the letterbox of the

The demonstration finished normally shortly before 20.00. It`s good that we
identified an orderly insolent from Ministry of Interior with camera, which
filmed as Shiva: with camera in one hand and with photo-camera in the other.


On 04.09.2009, five young activists of ASI, Tadej Kurepa, Ivan Vulovic,
Sanja Doikic, Ratibor Trivunac and Nikola Mitrovic were arrested by Serbian
authorities under absurd charge of “international terrorism” which is
equivalent with genocide, according to Serbian laws. The charge was brought
in action on the ground of suspicion only that the arrested were eventually
involved in recent action during which two “Molotov cocktails” were thrown
in the building of Greek Embassy in Beograd by some unknown persons. Our
comrades deny their participation categorically. The State persecutor
determined 30 day of arrest and they can become from 3 to 15 years in
prison, in the case if the judges will find them guilty.

The absolutelly unprovoced arrests and the declared charges against 5
innocent people are an act of open State`s attack aganist the
Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative. It is not surprisingly for everybody who
know the situation that exactly these ASI members were attacked with the

Their only fault was that they were allways among activists, appaired more
often openly in the public space without “mask” in the direct and indirect
sense. The ASI gained confidence of workers through it organized activity
for defense of workers (which remain without it as usual neglected and
without use of fruits of their work). It gave support to workers – support
which they never obtained from Serbian political clique. Striving for
overcome the threat coming from every autonomous organized trade union
movement in the time of fully political bankrupt, this clique seeks
salvation in the methods alienated even for their Western patrons. Trying
desperately to supress the voices of resistance, it utilizes every
possibility  for create provocation and now it transgress the bounds
throwning our comrades in prison under paradoxal and poorly disguised charge
of “international terrorism”.

The arrests of syndical activists and of their supporters show virtually the
true face of modern Serbia,where protection of exploitation and enslavement
continues under cover of neoliberalism. This act is a step to establishment
of a more hard model of repressive government which can not be shaked by
“closed” mouths of  people to which the disguisting image in mirror is

Arrest people for their political orientation is a crime from the side of
State! We must wait arrest as Anarchists writing this declaration now?!

Just punishment of State crimes! Freedom for all political prisoners! !

The Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria and the Autonomous group
“Ansrcho-resistance” express their solidarity, fully support and aid for
arrested comrades and join the calls for their inmediate release and
discharge from all absurd charges!


Sofia, 18.09.2009?.

Interview of Thodoris Iliopoulos

Thodoris Iliopoulos gave a long interview to the web channel tvxs.gr (tv without borders), which you can find in greek here: http://www.tvxs.gr/v21143. Amongst many things that he said about his case, the life in the greek prisons, the hunger strike, the life after prison, the social struggles and the solidarity movement, he was asked about the 6 anarchosyndicalists that are persecuted for the solidarity action in Belgrade. This is a translation of this part of the interview:

journalist: These days there is happening a mobilization for 6 persons for a movement that took place for you, while there had been developed already a movement and it was in the last days of your hunger strike. An action took place in Belgrade at the Greek embassy there. These persons were finally arrested and they are accused with very heavy charges, international terrorism is the charge that was attributed to them and there is developed a movement of support of those that supported then you. What do you think about that and I’d like your opinion generally for this situation.

Th. Illiopoulos.: I am aware of this situation. They face now charges that have from 3 up to 15 years imprisonment, if I remember right. International terrorism for 2 broken glasses? for a graffity? terrorism… big conversation. In a few words, for me, this is not terrorism. Terrorism is what we face in our everyday routine. Wake up in the morning, go to a work, take the very few money, try to live with dignity. Manufactured needs. All these are terrorism. Now those that made an action of solidarity in support of me, are considered terrorists? I cannot understand this.



Ми пишемо, вимагаючи негайного звільнення Тадея Курепа, Івана Вуловіча, Сани Дойкич, Ратібора Трівунаца і Николи Мітровіча, заарештованих 4 вересня цього року в Белграді з абсурдних підстав. Твердження прокуратури, що звинувачує соціальних активістів у найтяжчому злочині – міжнародному тероризмі, явно притягнуті за вуха. Метою діяльності членів Міжнародної Асоціації Трудящих є профспілкова боротьба, а не кидання пляшок із запалювальною сумішшю. Ці активісти відзначилися, як учасники студентських виступів у Белграді, а не бойовики.  Члени Анархо-синдикалістської ініціативи одразу визнали, що не мають нічого спільного із угруповання „Чорний Ілля” і ведмежувалися від участі у акції. Ми вважаємо, що численні порушення норм права, взяття поліцією у заручники членів родин активістів вказують на замовний і політичний характер цієї справи.  Це все одно, що судити всіх сербських політиків, що тільки висловили свою незгоду із відокремленням Косово, як погромників, що вчинили підпал американської амбасади не обтяжуючи себе працею по збору доказів. Так це звучить абсурдно, але справа проти Белградської „п”ятірки” і є абсурдною у правовому сенсі.

Таким чином держава намагається відвернути уваги від змін у кримінальному кодексі, наростання авторитарних тенденцій у республіці та навісити активним і небайдужим молодим сербам ярлика карних злочинців.

Ми не сидітимемо склавши руки, коли люди, що ведуть боротьбу за соціальну справедливість, піддаються репресіям на грунті їх політичної активності. Ми вестимемо кампанію за негайне звільнення цих активістів і припинення державних репресій.

Учасники лівого й профспілкового руху України


Репортаж от протест пред Посолството на Сърбия в София – 18.09. 2009

Протест в организиран от Федерация на анархистите в България, Автономна група „Анархо съпротива”, симпатизанти и поддръжници на каузата, под наслов „Свода за сърбските синдикалисти!”

Събитието се проведе във връзка с арестите на петима невинни анархо-синдикалисти в Сърбия / състояли се на 04.09.2009г. /, чийто призив за помощ провокира от тогава до сега, множество акции и кампании в защита правата на задържаните. Българските анархисти и свободни граждани се присъединяват към световната солидарност.

Въпреки дъждовнто време в 19:10 започна протестта пред посолството на Република Сърбия в България на”ул. “Велико Търново” N 3

Дойдоха около 35-40 човека, за да изразят своята солидарност с арестуваните сръбски приятели и съидейници. Пред посолството очаквано имаше около 20тина полицаи и жандармерия, няколко коли, джипове и камион на Жандалмерията. Полицията направи кордон пред посолството, като отстрани бяха приготвени каски и щитове.

От страна на посолството не се забеляза движение и не излезе никой.

Бяха донесени два транспаранта – “Не на държавния терор” и “Свобода за сръбските анархисти”. Бяха скандирани призиви за солидарност и против терора на държавата. Прочетена беше позицията на участниците, чийто текст може да видите по-долу. Текста в превод на английски беше пуснат в пощенската кутия на посолството.

Демото приключи нормално малко преди 20 часа. Добре е да отбележим дежурния наглец от МВР с камера, който снимаше като Шива – в едната ръка с камера, в другата с фотоапарат.


На 04.09.2009 г., петима млади дейци на АСИ Тадей Курепа, Иван Вулович, Саня Дойкич, Ратибор Тривунац и Никола Митрович, бяха арестувани от сръбските власти по нелепото обвинение в “международен тероризъм”, което
според сръбските закони е равносилно на “геноцид”.
Обвинението е повдигнато само по подозрение, което се състои в това, че задържаните евентуално са били замесени в скорошна акция, при която от неизвестно лице, са били хвърлени два коктейла “Молотов” срещу сградата на гръцкото посолство в Белград, което нашите другари категорично отричат. Държавният прокурор определи 30 дни арест за тях, а в случай, че съдът ги
признае за виновни за действието, ги очакват от 3 до 15 години затвор.

Абсолютно непровокираните арести и нагласените обвинения срещу петимата невинни представляват акт на открит държавен натиск срещу Анархо–Синдикална Инициатива. За всеки малко запознат със ситуацията не е
учудващо, че именно тези членове на АСИ са атакуваните от обвинението.

Единствената причина е, че те винаги са били сред активистите, най-често появяващи се открито в публичното пространство без “маски”, в пряк и преносен смисъл. Чрез организираната им дейност в защита на работниците,
които без тях, както винаги, остават пренебрегнати и не ползват плодовете на своя труд, АСИ спечели доверието на тези работници и им даде подкрепата, която те никога не са получавали от сръбската политическа клика. В желанието си да премахне заплахата, която всяко автономно организирано синдикално движение представлява във време на пълен политически банкрут, тази клика търси спасение в методи, отхвърляни даже
от нейните западни покровители. С отчаяното си тиранично усилие да заглуши гласовете на съпротивата, тя използва всяка възможност да скалъпи провокация и сега минава границата, хвърляйки нашите другари в затвора с
парадоксалното “съшито с бели конци” обвинение в “международен тероризъм”.

Арестите над синдикалните активисти и над тези, които ги подкрепят, очевидно представляват истинското лице на съвременна Сърбия, щом дори върху пепелта на неолиберализма продължават да се покровителстват
експлоатацията и поробването. Този акт е една стъпка към установяването на по-твърд модел на репресивно управление, което няма да се поколебае да “запуши” устите на тези, които показват отвратителния му образ в

Да се арестуват хора заради политическата им ориентация е престъпление от страна на Държавата! Сега, когато пишем това изявление, трябва ли да очакваме да бъдем арестувани, защото сме анархисти?!

Справедливо наказание за престъпната Държава! Свобода за всички политически затворници!

Федерация на анархистите в България и автономна група “Анархо – съпротива” изразяват своята солидарност със задържаните другари, своята пълна подкрепа и помощ, като се присъединяват към призивите за тяхното незабавно освобождение и сваляне на всички абсурдни обвинения от тях!


София, 18.09.2009г.

Повече информация по случая можете да получите и на адрес http://a-bg.net/new/


Protest in Sofia

A protest in solidarity with the Serbian anarchosyndicalists was held on Friday, Sept. 18 in Sofia. It was organized by the Bulgarian Anarchist Federation, Anarcho-Resistance and other supporters with the slogan “Free the Serbian Syndicalists!”

About 35-40 people attended the protest. There were police vans there.

The embassy wasn’t open at the time of the protest.

There were banners which read “No to the Terrorist State” and “Freedom for the Serbian Anarchists”.


On 04.09.2009, the, five young activists from  ASI –  Tadej Kurep, Ivan Vulovic, Sanya Dojkic, Ratibor Trivunac and Nikola Mitrovic, were arrested by Serbian authorities on the ridiculous charges of “international terrorism”, which according to Serbian law is tantamount to “genocide.”

The accusation is raised only on suspicion that the detainees may have been involved in a recent action, where an unknown person threw two cocktails Molotov in front of the Greek embassy in Belgrade. Our comrades  categorically involvement,  The state prosecutor gave them 30 days detention, If the court finds them guilty of the action , they face from 3 to 15 years in prison.

Totally unprovoked arrests and trumped-up charges against the five innocent people is an act of open government repression against the Anarchist Trade Union Initiative. For everyone who is a  little familiar with the situation, it is not surprising that these particular members of the ASI were attacked by the prosecution.

The only reason is that they have always been among the activists, which have appeared most frequently and  highly visibly in public without any “masks”  – in the direct and metaphorical sense. Through organized activity to protect workers
that without them, typically remain neglected, ASI won the confidence of these workers and gives them the support they never received from the Serbian politcal cliques. Desiring to eliminate the threat that any autonomous trade union movement may create  in a time of full political bankruptcy, this clique seeks salvation in the methods rejected even  by its Western patrons. In a desperate, tyrranical effort to silence  voices of resistance, it uses every opportunity to create provocations, and now have crossed the boundary,  throwing our comrades in prison  and  accusing them
of “international terrorism”.

Arrests of trade union activists and above those who support them, are clearly the true face of modern Serbia, since even on the ashes of neoliberalism it continues to protect exploitation and enslavement. This act is a step towards establishing a more robust model of a repressive government which does not hesitate to shut the mouths of those who are against it.

To arrest people because of their political orientation is a crime by the state! Now, when we write this statement, should  we expect to be arrested, because we are anarchists?

Just punishment for a criminal government!  Freedom for all political prisoners!

The Bulgarian Anarchist Federation and the autonomous group “Anarcho – Resistance,” express their solidarity with the detained comrades, their full support and assistance and have joined the calls for their immediate release and withdrawing these ridiculous charges!

Freedom for all detainees!

Sofia, 18.09.2009g.

One Response to “Protest in Sofia”

  1. admin Says:
    September 19th, 2009 at 01:34 Admin here. Sorry, but the translation of the statement is not 100% exact. There were a couple of rather creative or idiomatic phrases there that I couldn’t get exactly so I left out or made simplet. I get the sense of it all though. If somebody wants to edit it, please do.